The FRS-Holland format sounds different, just a bit different.
Friday 21 February 2025
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FRS Magazine: this show features mainly music from the 1970- present period, a preview on ‘FRS Goes DX’, the Day Calendar flashing back to anniversaries and events on this date in the past & a recording of a shortwave free radio station from the past. Hosted by Peter Verbruggen.
The Gernan Service: Jan van Dijk mainly concentrates on music that is often labelled as alternative or independent. In addition “Forgotten pirate” and “Uplink” (featuring an interesting Free Radio website) are part of his show.
Radiowaves is presented by Dave Scott featuring great modern progressive rock. His show also includes a landbased free radio on short wave recording.
Everything’s 80s is Mike Taylor’s show focusing on that great 1980s era. Regularly Mike includes an offshore recording/a landbased free radio station.t item
Musical Express used to be part of FRS’ very first programme schedule back in August 1980!  The programme continued with (first) presenter Fred van Es and his successor Bert van Leer until 1987. Because of Bert’s return on FRS (late 2015), the idea was to re-introduce the Musical Express in our schedule. Bert (mostly in the 6th gear!) plays a mix of pop music, mainly from 70s, 80s & 90s. Bert includes an offshore recording from days gone by.
FRS goes DX is FRS’ longest running show. The programme aims at radio enthusiasts & Dxers keeping them informed of what happens in the wonderful world of (free) radio. The latest developments are reported and is one of the very few DX Shows in the Free Radio world these days. The programme is produced and presented by Peter Verbruggen.