The 4th edition of FRS' Summer Splash took place in July & August. Following a short break we have made a start replying to all (snail) mails. Soon the Summer edition of our Newsletter will be ready for downloading.
Keep an eye on .
Since our start in August 1980, countless QSL cards have been designed, printed and issued to thousands of listeners all over the world. This QSL Gallery is an overview of all those different QSL cards including the complete collection up till present. We do apologize for the quality of some of the QSL images. Just to make it a bit ‘well-organized’, there are different collections of QSLs: the so called ‘regular’ or ‘single’ QSLs‘ issued over the period 1980- today, QSLs which have been issued for special occasions such as Christmas, Anniversaries etc. ánd QSL series which relate to a main topic such as studios or transmitters. Our latest (2017) addition is Listeners’ QSLs: this is a series of scanned QSLs which we received from listeners. In case you own one of our QSLs which is missing in the featured selections, please drop us a line! Have fun.
We’d like to pay your attention to the menu-item ‘Image Gallery’ providing general info which might be of interest.